About Us

Do you File Expenses?

All you need is access from a smartphone, tablet or desktop. Login, provide some detail and take a snap of your receipt.

Thats it. In a hurry, no problem! Just snap your receipt, upload and come back later to create an expense report.

We help you to File Expenses quickly, easily, around the clock, around the world.

As a submitter, you can File Expenses of any type.

Simply capture an image of a receipt, add a few pieces of information and add your expense to an expense report. Once you have added multiple expenses, submit the expense report to your designated approver. It's that simple.

Are you a consultant, contractor, agency worker or self employed/sole trader?

File Expenses of any type, for example:

  • Billable Time and Timesheets
  • General Expenses
  • Create and submit VAT Invoices for services with attached expensess

Do you manage expense claims?

As an Approver, File Expenses is fast, efficient, easy to use and ensures internal and external compliance. File Expenses provides extensive business intelligence and analytics to your buisness helping you control your budgets and understand your spend. File Expenses keeps your workforce on track to deliver on your KPI's, we eliminate the hassle with expense claims. We manage your expenses.

Simply login as an approver to view and approve expense reports online anywhere, anytime.

File Expenses presents you with Expense Reports to be approved. You can view and approve by individual and review by department, cost centre or code, product, project, trip or location. In fact, there is no limit to the detail, simply tell us what you need and we deliver.

Our suite of business intelligence and analytics provide you with the feedback you need.

Compliance is critical to any business and we deliver internal and external regulatory compliance. File Expenses retains all submitted expense claims together with electronic copies of receipts or invoices. We have you covered.